Do you know how it feels, to be flown into small pieces ?
This question may seem strange, and you’ll be in your right to think so.
Imagine a small parcel of gum, pumped up in a large balloon.
Imagine then this balloon is impacted by a bunch of needles.
Would the balloon snap and split ? No ! For needles press the balloon roughly homogeneously. At that time, the balloon’s wall form a dam between air and needles.
But as you remove one needle after an other, you’ll see the wall becoming frail and weak. Suddenly, without warning, the wall would break into pieces. Then you get a manifold, a bunch of gum’s patches.
In fact, you could have almost predicted this ending — and the time of its happening — if you would did study the disposition of needles (even more in knowing the gum properties).
In the end, splashing is not a surprise.
Of course, you can’t rebuild a balloon of gum from its smithereens — unless enormous efforts.
Imagine then we transpose this story on native human groups — as Nations.
Consider Nations are the gum, their union is the balloon.
Consider air are the people, and each needle an interaction.
What would happen if interactions are too strong in one part of the world, and too small in another ? The balloon will shatter, the Nations will ignore one another.
Then peace would disappear, everybody would look for an uncertain shelter. People finally would speak non concealable languages, and hate one another … before turning into new leaves (but that’s as to shape a parcel of gum from scraps).
So, to maintain the trim of united Nations, you have to keep an equilibrium between all kind of interactions. That’s surely a wonderful and awesome exercise — but not a free neither an effortless one.
When a Nation seems weaker in economics, others should help her with the more speed and less conditions as possible (and even over the scopes) ; while the recipient should accept welcomingly this help. This is true for education, jobs, and so on.
When a distortion appears for valorisations, regulations, perceptions of reality, streams or local inflows ; that’s as removing a few needles.
Weakest and strongest ones are both foes of the best ; because too many or too few needles brushing in one part of the balloons, means imminent explosion.
It is a tough and hard, awkward and troublesome, grueling and exhausting work to maintain the kinetic of peace. It’s a dynamic requiring a lot of energy.
I would have hoped our world-connected balloon is pushed by equipoised (or none) needle(s) ; but that’s untrue.
Then, I would only hope numerous spots will become scarce, and scarce will become numerous, the most often as possible.
And you, what do you think ?